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Take your first Discovery Flight

with Flying Academy

Discovery Flight

in Miami

Discovery/Intro flight ensures you the thrill of flying before you step into your pilot career or simply get a taste of what it is like to be a pilot and take control of the cockpit.

During the flight, one of our excellent professional Flight Instructors will be accompanying you on this adventure where you will experience what it is like to be a pilot. 


The flight lesson takes up to 60minutes with a certified flight instructor, and also includes preflight and postflight duties, route planning, aircraft inspections, and debriefing- normally completed by pilots.

Additionally, you will have a brief theoretical training session where you will be taught Introduction to Aviation by one of our professional pilot instructors.

What to expect?

  • Get familiar with aircraft documents and performance
  • Weather checking and route preparation
  • A brief introduction to aeronautical decision making
  • Doing the aircraft preflight check with the help of your flight instructor

Available aircraft for Discovery Flight

  • FAA – Discovery Flight

Cessna 152

  • FAA – Discovery Flight

Cessna 172

  • FAA – Discovery Flight

Cessna 172 G1000